Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving this Holiday Season

Impaired driving by women is becoming a national safety issue. According to NHTSA research, in 2008 there was an increasing trend among women driving under the influence of alcohol. These increases occurred in certain parts of the nation and highlighted the number of alcohol-impaired female drivers involved in fatal crashes in 2008 compared to 2007. We know that the holiday season between Thanksgiving and New Year’s can be one of the deadliest and most dangerous times on America’s roadways due to an increase in drunk driving.
That is why during the month of December, The Van Buren County SAFE Coalition is joining with hundreds of other state and local law enforcement and highway safety officials to get impaired drivers off of the roads, and remind motorists this holiday season that Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving.
Impaired driving is an issue that cuts across all segments of society and, sadly, the number of arrests of women driving under the influence is on the rise. Whether you’ve had way too many or just one too many, it’s not worth the risk of killing yourself or someone else. Don’t ever get behind a wheel of a vehicle when you are impaired.
Following these easy steps, a driver can enjoy a safe and festive holiday without jeopardizing their life and the lives of the others who may be on the road:
    • Plan a safe way home before the festivities begin;
    • Before drinking, please designate a sober driver and give that person your keys;
    • If you’re impaired, call a sober friend or family member so you are sure to get home safely;
    • If you happen to see a drunk driver on the road, don’t hesitate to contact your local law enforcement;
    • And remember, if you know someone who is about to drive or ride while impaired, take their keys and help them make other arrangements to get to where they are going safely.
During the month of December 2008, 888 people were killed in crashes that involved a driver or motorcycle rider (operator) with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08 or higher. The consumption of alcohol, drugs and driving just don’t mix. This holiday season; don’t let your year end in an arrest—or even worse, death. The results from drinking and driving can end up deadly no matter how many drinks you’ve had.
For more information, please visit www.StopImpairedDriving.com or the Van Buren County SAFE Coalition at www.vbsafecoalition.com.

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