Thursday, March 26, 2020

National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week Resources

National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week Website this site is full of information and resources that are too many to mention in this email. 

The National Drug & Alcohol IQ Challenge – the challenge includes an online version available for students to use on the website and a printable version for pen and paper style use.  In addition, NIDA will be releasing an interactive version to the website today! (March 25th)

Kahoot! Games – 6 Kahoot! Games are included for teens to play on their computers, tablets and cellular devices addressing topics like:
·         Substance use and your brain: Do you know the facts?
·         E-Cigarettes, Vapes and Mods: What do you know about vaping?
·         Marijuana Myths: Can you tell fact from fiction?
·         Keeping Prescriptions Safe: The facts about prescription drugs
·         What’s the buzz about stimulants?
·         Drugs and Alcohol: Can you tell fact from fiction?

Empowering Teens: NIDA Toolkit for Out of School Time the toolkit offers science-based activities and additional resources on topics like drug use, addiction, and educating teens during the period of time they are at home. The toolkit is designed for parents, teachers, youth-serving organizations, and teens who want to learn while studying at home.
Available Courses:
·         Brain! Power: Teens take on an exploration of the science behind drug use to learn the effects of drugs on the brain and body.
·         Drugs & Health Blog: great articles that help teens make connections between what they see and hear and what the science says about drug use.
·         Scholastic Heads Up: Real News about drugs and your body: Educating teens about drugs, drug use, and life skills with activities and lessons from Scholastic.

And many additional online resources that can be found on

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