Friday, October 17, 2008

First October Update

So far October has been a busy month for the coalition. Activities include:
  • Start of the Alcohol- Edu Program at Van Buren High School
  • Received the STOP grant from SAMHSA and hired Tonja Jirak as the coordinator.
  • Walked in the Fall Festival Parade with JEL/YLC youth
  • Had a booth during kids day at the Fall Festival.
  • JEL youth held a street marketing event and had a game during kids day at the Fall Festival.
  • Our October meeting was held on October 14th- minutes of the meeting will be on the web after the first of November.

We encourage you to check out our website at to get the most updated information about coalition events and activities.

Our pictures from the weekend events have been posted on our Flickr site- check them out!

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