Monday, February 1, 2010

Coalition graduates and members attend National Leadership Forum

Coalition members Heidi Bainbridge and Melissa Daugherty will be traveling to Washington DC in February to attend the Graduation Ceremonies for the National Coalition Academy and attend the National Leadership Forum.

The Van Buren County SAFE Coalition has been attending the year long National Coalition Academy which began in March of 2009. Coalition members attended classes for three separate weeks to learn the concepts of the academy. After each week of classes the coalition members brought the information back to the community and worked to implement what they had learned. The academy required the development of three products for the coalition; a community assessment, a logic model, a strategic and action plan, an evaluation plan, and a sustainability plan. The coalition has completed all necessary requirements for the academy and the documents may be found online at: The coalition will officially graduate at ceremonies to be held in Washington DC during the National Leadership forum, Daugherty and Bainbridge will be accepting the award on behalf of the coalition.

While in Washington DC the coalition members will be attending the National Leadership Forum as well as meeting with Senators Harkin and Grassley and Representative Loebsack around continued funding for strategies that positively impact the youth of our community.

For more information about the National Coalition Academy or the National Leadership forum you may check it out on the coalition website: or call 319-293-6412.

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