Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Iowa Partnership for Success Funds Planning

The SAFE Coalition is currently working on the Planning phase of the IPFS (Iowa Partnership for Success) Grant. This requires the completion of a key document, the Strategic Plan.

The Strategic Plan requires the coalition to consider the results of the assessment and capacity phases previously completed this year in Van Buren County.  Coalition members are working during coalition meetings to pinpoint how the community can best address the priorities of underage drinking and underage binge drinking in Van Buren County.  During this process the coalition will develop a logic model and action plan to address underage drinking and underage binge drinking in Van Buren County.  The logic model and action plan will include the strategies the coalition believes will result in a reduction of underage drinking and underage binge drinking in the county. 

The next steps for the IPFS Grant will be to implement the action plan and strategies in Van Buren County.  For more information on the Partnership for Success funds you may contact the coalition office at 319-293-6412 or via email at info@vbsafecoalition.com

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