Thursday, February 18, 2016

Van Buren County Selected for Substance Abuse Prevention Grant Project to reduce youth binge drinking and underage alcohol use

The Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) has selected Van Buren County to participate in an $8.1
million federal grant to reduce youth binge drinking and underage alcohol use, and the problems associated with both. The Iowa Partnerships for Success (IPFS) Grant is funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Substance Abuse Prevention.  Van Buren County was among 12 counties identified by IDPH as “highest need” in regards to underage alcohol use and youth binge drinking and funded through a Request for Proposal process.

“The IPFS Project in Van Buren County through the work of the SAFE Coalition will be working to implement prevention strategies that support a substance abuse free environment in which to raise the children of Van Buren County,” said Kris Rankin, IPFS Coordinator at the SAFE Coalition.

“Alcohol is the substance most frequently used by youth in Iowa and across the nation,” said Julie Hibben, the IPFS Project Director. “Van Buren County’s participation will not only benefit its youth directly, but will also help increase the health and safety of all county residents.”

According to the 2013-2014 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 6.40 percent of Iowans aged 12-17 had consumed more than five drinks of alcohol in one sitting during the past month. This is significantly higher than the national rate of 6.16 percent. In addition, 35.83 percent of Iowans aged 12-17 felt that five or more drinks of alcohol once or twice a week was a great risk. The risk perception rate for Iowans aged 12-17 was 3.26 percent lower than the national rate of 39.09 percent, suggesting that alcohol use is not deemed to be as high of a risk by Iowans aged 12-17 as it is by other Americans of the same age group.

For more information on the Iowa Partnerships for Success Grant, visit For information on Van Buren County’s project, visit or contact the SAFE Coalition at 319-293-6412 or at

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Quit Dip and Improve Your Health (and Dating Life)

Smokeless tobacco is not harmless. In fact, smokeless tobacco has two to three times the amount of nicotine than cigarettes. All of that nicotine causes a stronger addiction. And stronger nicotine addiction= stronger addiction to break. Think about all you do to stay physically fit and ready – and you’re still hooked on smokeless tobacco?
Let’s make some sense of this. Try to quit for a day. Just one day! Don’t worry, we are here to help! On February 18, 2016, join and others around the nation, and quit smokeless tobacco! Set your quit date for the Great American Spit Out at
Just think about how much quitting will boost to your dating game. Along with serious health issues, using smokeless tobacco causes dental problems, mouth sores, gum decay and tobacco-breath. Perfect for your dating life, right? There’s still time to quit before Valentine’s Day!  Upload a picture of your ideal date for motivation to quit and don’t forget to set your quit date for February 18, 2016.
Need some more support? Join us on social media in February. It’s time to fill your vocab with other meanings of dip because let’s face it – dipping doesn’t make sense.  Share your favorite “Dip Don’ts” with the hashtag #DipDont.
You can quit smokeless tobacco! It just makes sense. Start on the Great American Spit Out on February 18, 2016.