Thursday, March 30, 2017

Warriors Ignite Members Spring Activities

The Warriors Ignite members at both Van Buren Middle School and High School have been very busy this spring.  The middle school students started off by having a “Backpack Awareness Week”.  During the week members hung posters about the dangers of backpacks being too heavy and held a backpack weigh-in where students put their backpacks on the scale to see if they were in the too heavy or just right range.  More than 95% of the backpacks were in the too heavy range!  The youth plan to continue to help their peers understand the importance of carrying backpacks that are not too heavy. 

March 15th was National Kick Butts Day!  This is a day to empower student advocates to lead the efforts to stop youth tobacco use.  The Warrior Ignite members planned several activities around Kick Butts Day throughout the month of March.  The high school members created a “Crime Scene”  outside of the high school/middle school building. The crime scene had body outlines and tobacco facts.  One high school group presented tobacco facts and activities to the Harmony 6th grade class.  Two of the middle school groups presented tobacco facts and activities to the Van Buren 5th & 6th grade classes. 

Still to come this spring members are planning a cigarette butt clean up on main street in Keosauqua, a 5k Color Run/Walk with a Health Fair on May 31st at the Roberts Memorial Center and Fairgrounds, Cups in the fence at a track meet and a few other activities.  Please keep an eye open for the work our youth are doing to make Van Buren County a great place to live. 

For more information on the Van Buren County Warriors Ignite youth coalition please contact Melissa Daugherty at 319-293-8727 or  You can also learn more by going onto the SAFE Coalition's website

Crime Scene: Rose Rankin and Sydney Goemaat

Peer Teaching at Van Buren Community Elementary School 5th Grade Classes:
Hailey Brown, Christina Leppert and Kylie Peck

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