Thursday, March 11, 2010

Sports World Speaker

Today at the Van Buren High School and the Van Buren Middle school the students had the opportunity to listen to Jeff Neal former professional football player talk to them about the choices they will face in their life.
He spoke to them about their academic choices and how you need to have a good strong academic foundation for your life. He shared with them that while he was playing professional football he spent hours studying for his masters degree to become a principal.
He also shared with them the consequences of using drugs and alcohol at a young age, he emphasized that "just a few beers" is not okay, it can be deadly and change your hopes and dreams forever.
He also shared information with the students on dating and relationships and that anyone who loves you should respect you.
These topics resonated with the youth in the audience. He repeatedly encouraged them to set their goals and dreams and really work toward them. Based on a comment card, many of the students seemed to have been pleased with the message. Youth Leadership Council and JEL members will place posters throughout the school reminding the students of the messages presented during the assembly.
For more information on the assembly you may contact the safe coalition or visit the sports world website at

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